The Complete Sets of Manuals for Kienyeji Chicken Farming

We now offer you the complete Information pack for anyone who wants to engage in Kienyeji Chicken farming. Out three Kienyeji Manuals contain all the information on rearing Kienyeji Chicken ranging from breed selection to what to feed, how to formulate Kienyeji Feeds, How to build Kienyeji house, disease management, Kienyeji marketing and many more tips. The three main manuals that we currently offer include the following:

  • The Comprehensive Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manual: This is sold for only Ksh.500 and contains virtually everything you need to farm Kienyeji. To order or learn more information about this manual, click here:-

The Kienyeji Feed Formulation Manual: You will want to buy this manual if you plan to manufacture Kienyeji Feeds on your own. Farmers can manufacture these feeds commercially to sell to other farmers or they can manufacture them to feed the Kienyeji Chicken and make savings on the feeding costs. The manual contains all the ingredients you need to formulate the feeds, information on how to formulate the feeds and the formula for making the feeds. This manual is sold for only Ksh.500. To order the manual or learn more information about the details, click here

  • The Kienyeji Housing Manual: Learn about how to build a Kienyeji Housing Structure. The manual contains lots of information including the right dimensions to use, materials to use where, plan for building Kienyeji House and the total costing for housing a certain number of birds. Click here to order the Kienyeji housing manual.

Association of Kenya Feed Manufacturers-AKEFEMA

Kienyeji Chicken Market in Kenya