Adequate training and proper business set up is a prerequisite to any organization willing to work with smallholder farmers in the poultry value chain or any investor willing to make substantial investments in the chicken, feed industry and processing industry. It is prudent to put in place a farmer or employee training plan in accordance with modern practices and standards and an establishment plan that ensures the farmer or entrepreneur starts off on a sound footing. In this regard, we offer consultancy services to organizations and entrepreneurs on the various poultry business models, training and set up which among others include the following:

  • Construction of recommended chicken houses with the right orientation and designs and management of the houses thereof taking into consideration the number of flock and the projected expansion plans.
  • Correct or proper installation of farm equipment taking into consideration the required quantities and functionalities.
  • Management of the chicken flock with due to consideration to the minimization of birds mortality which can reduce flocks or production, reduce incomes, bring down the business and kill dreams.
  • Efficient management of the chicken feed and flock with utmost attention to the right feed formulation, pricing, daily feed rations requirements for birds etc.
  • Capacity building of farmers on vaccination and complete vaccination of birds with strict adherence to recommended schedules depending on the required information for the given area.
  • Ensuring efficient management and handling of eggs, one of the most delicate products in a farm.

These, among other prerequisites will help in making the desired start that propels the farmer to profitability. In addition training should be done basically covering the following areas:

  • Bio security of the chicken and how to set up a biosecurity infrastructure and manage it.
  • The various breeds of poultry, their characteristics and attributes.
  • The essence of vaccinating chicken and the vaccination schedules.
  • Poultry diseases (viral, metabolic, protozoal and bacterial), their management and treatment.
  • The physiology and anatomy of chicken.
  • Feeds, feeding and drinking management.
  • Brooding of day old chicks and brooding management.
  • Breeding management.
  • Marketing of poultry and record keeping

After training farmers and entrepreneurs are assisted with necessary input linkages and then placed on the path to commercialization.

After training, farmers need to be assisted in the chick placement process and all its requirements and then will need to develop a working relationship with a local public or private extension worker (Animal Health Assistant) as a closer and reliable point of call to facilitate response to emergencies in the farm or alternatively employ qualified Animal Health Assistants for entrepreneurs possessing the ability to employ.

For organizations willing to take their farmers through this process or willing to organize their farmers to commercialize poultry through a model of poultry producer business group of individuals or entrepreneurs seeking assistance in this respect you can contact us through the following email:


Kienyeji Chicken Raised on Pasture