Common Diseases Likely to Affect Your Kienyeji Chicks

Diseases are some of the common causes of high mortality in chicks. Some of the most common ones include the following:-


Omphalitis is an infection of the navel. Characteristics include inflammation of the skin in the navel area as well as a soft and a distended abdomen that is a little flabby. There will also be pasting in the vents as well as a foul smell on the carcass which occurs due to an unabsorbed yolk. Chick suffering from omphalitis will look depressed and have drooping heads. Because this is a bacterial disease, it can spread fairly quickly to the other chicks leading to very high losses.


Pullorum refers to an acute infection and a fatal bacterial disease that affects chicks. It is characterized by white diarrhea, ruffled feathers, chirping, labored breathing and eventually death. Sometimes, chicks suffering from Pullorum may suffer without displaying these symptoms.


Salmonellosis is also an acute and fast spreading disease that affects chickens of al ages. Symptoms of the disease include omphalitis, rise in the body temperatures, presence of infectious organisms in the chicken’s blood as well as an enlargement of the spleen. It also causes death. In chicks, particularly, salmonellosis results in a very high death rate in the brooding area.


This is also an acute bacterial infection that affects the chicks’ blood system. The disease affects chickens of all ages and can spread fast leading to high mortalities in chicks that are newly hatched.

The key to preventing these bacterial infections is strict biosecurity. Ensure that the brooding area, feeds and the water are kept clean. You have to observe a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene to prevent these acute bacterial infections from occurring.


Some of the measures that you can undertake to improve the biosecurity and reduce diseases and mortality rates include the following:-

  • Reduce overcrowding: Overcrowding is one of the major factors for the spread of bacterial infections. Ensure that the floor space, feeder space and water space is adequate for the birds. This will not only prevent overcrowding but it will also reduce dampness of the litter and starvation in the poultry house. Dampness of litter can easily lead to the multiplication of disease pathogens.
  • The chicks must be handled properly during the vaccination. Take measures that will help avoid injuries and contamination as these will lead quickly lead to infections.
  • Maintain proper humidity in the poultry house. Dampness in the brooder house will lead to a multiplication of the disease causing pathogens. Dampness and poor ventilation can also lead to the accumulation of toxic gases which might cause other serious diseases.
  • The brooder house should protect the chickens from other predators and pests such as rats, cats and dogs among others.
  • Provide proper ventilation in the poultry house that will help regulate the temperature inside the brooders. Proper ventilation will also help remove harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia as well as dust, odour and moisture. The brooder house should have good and uniform access to fresh air.
  • Provide adequate lighting in the brooding house. Chick activity is generally high when there is adequate lighting.

How to Prevent Your Kienyeji Chicks from Dying

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