Kuroiler and KARI Kienyeji differences

Chicken farming is totally taking a different turn with a lot of breeds entering the market.  There has been a lot of discussion on which breed is better than the other.  This particular article will give a detail by detail regarding Kuroiler and KARI Kienyeji differences.  The first noted difference is that KARI kienyeji chickens are local.  They have no known cross breeding between a broiler in them while the kuroiler is cross breed between a broiler and a exotic chicken variety in Rhode Islands.  This is the reason why they grow faster, weigh more and are meatier compared to their kienyeji counterparts.

The interesting part is that they both have higher yields compared to the local kienyeji chicken that is found in nearly every rural home in Kenya.  These two varieties have undergone a lot of research and come into a very competitive market.  Some of the noted Kuroiler and KARI Kienyeji differences include:-

  • The KARI kienyeji chicken takes longer to mature and is not as weighty as their Kuroiler counterparts.  They can scavenge for their food without needing extra portions.  Kuroiler chicken breeds mature faster, feed more (thereby requiring extra portions) and are meatier and weightier than their KARI counter parts.
  • Kuroiler are heavy feeders and will eat the whole day while their KARI counterparts take time to rest or nap in the course of their feeding session.
  • Kuroiler breeds are easier to treat and does not require more medical attention compared to their KARI counterparts which require vaccination from time to time to avoid infections
  • Kuroiler chickens are known to survive on virtually everything from household wastes to agricultural wastes whatever will be available.  KARI counterparts needs mash to help them maintain their weight and grow
  • Kuroiler chicken require a lot of water each single day while their KARI counterparts require minimal amount of water for their daily growth
  • Both have higher nutritional value but Kuroiler grow faster and bigger in the shortest time available.
  • Kuroiler chickens have stronger beaks and are able to tear down most of the farm products or produce with ease.  KARI kienyeji does not have the same advantage and sometimes and limited to what they feed on when they are out there.

The Kuroiler breed has definitely helped many people come out of poverty through increased financial gain.  Compared to their KARI kienyeji counterparts they are an easier breed to handle and take care of.  They have no set out feeding program and as long as they are set free they will survive.  The fact that they require less attention medically has also made them a preferred variety compared to the KARI kienyeji breed.

Farmers prefer the kuroiler because they come with better financial gain and a promising future.  The eggs are in demand and have been found to be more nutritious compared to that of their counterparts.  The kuroiler chickens are also able to fight their predators and can survive easily because of their camouflaging colors making it easier to survive in the bush.  They are strong compared to their KARI kienyeji counterparts.

The kuroiler chickens according to available study have close to 84% of survival in any given area.  They survive under extreme weather conditions without any protection.

How to Start Kienyeji Chicken Business

Kenbro Chicken Rearing Guide