Why Choose Kienyeji Chicken on the Shelves?

Why should you buy the free-range or semi-free range reared Kienyeji Chicken? One of the things you may not realize when you are buying your well packaged Kenchic full chicken, drumsticks or liver is the kind of life that the chicken had led.

On display, they all look the same and enticing but the kind of rearing techniques used by the farmers will go a long way in determining the quality of the meat as well as your overall wealth as a chicken consumer.

Unfortunately, and in the chase for fast cash, some farmers end up carrying out some unethical practices in order to boost meat production and get good prices for their chicken.

As a buyer, you have an obligation to buy food that will contribute to your health and that of your family. It is therefore important that you should care about the condition in which the chickens were reared. Was it a free-range system where the chicken had access to a spacious environment and a balanced diet and exposure to sunshine that delivers better meat quality?

There is a free-range standard of rearing chicken that is well covered in our Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manual. This gives the chickens a little more space as well as an outdoor “grazing environment” where they are exposed to extra sunlight. Chickens grown in this kind of environment are not injected with any growth hormones and other crude improvisations of the growth hormones which may be harmful to human health.

They are not grown in small cages or overpopulated shelters which leads to stress and thus poor meat quality and lower production levels. The birds grow up on pasture with good feeding and proper care programs. Because they grow free as birds, you can be sure the meat tastes better and as naturally as possible. It is good for your health.

It means the right housing, the right chicken density, proper vaccination, proper and clean feeding environment and the kienyeji chicken is allowed to mature at a natural pace. When you buy this, you are buying organically grown chicken that has been reared with highest ethical standards.

Does Kienyeji Taste Better?

Where to Find Market for Your Kienyeji Chicken