Kienyeji Chicken Market in Nairobi

Get Kienyeji Chicken Market in Nairobi

If you run a large a poultry concern with a flock of at least 400 chickens, then you can use our kienyeji chicken marketing and advertising packages to sell your product quickly and acquire new customers. Businesses that have marketed and advertised with us have always received an instant boost in inquiries from customers as well as sales. We offer our customers several advertising packages that they can take advantage of to sell their kienyeji products to customers in Nairobi:-

Social Media Package: Costs only Ksh.7500 per month. We will share your kienyeji products with our Facebook community that is 23,000 strong.

Basic Website Package: Costs Ksh.15,000 per month. WE will post a banner with your contact details on our website so that you can begin receiving direct calls from potential customers. We will also do a profile of your poultry farm on our website and share your contact details enabling customers to find you easily when they search for kienyeji products on Google.

Ultimate Website Marketing Package: Suited for a large poultry concern and costs Ksh.35,000 per month. In this package, we will add your promotional materials to all our digital and printed assets along with our social media channels on Facebook and Twitter. Assets that will be used to promote your business in this package include the following:

Facebook Page: We will market your poultry equipment on our fast growing Facebook Page every day for the duration of the package. with over 22,000 fans.

Twitter: We will post “tweets” about your products on our Twitter channel @KienyejiChicken daily for the duration of the package.

Blogs and websites: We will add your banners or any other marketing creatives on all our poultry websites and blogs for the duration of the package.

Manuals: We will add a full first page and last page advert on your products on our Poultry Farming Manual for the duration of the package. We typically sell 80-100 manuals per month with a potential reach of up to 500 people or more every month when shared amongst friends and colleagues. Please see a copy of our manual attached.

Lead Generation package: We can create for Safe Group lead generation forms such as this one that will send leads directly to your inbox for the poultry equipment you plan to sell in a particular market.

Direct Referrals: We will send you direct referrals from customers who call us directly for kienyeji chicken and egg supplies.

So what marketing plan is best for your business? Talk to us and let us help you market your kienyeji chicken.


Kienyeji Chicken Marketing and Advertising