Top Places to Sell Your Kienyeji Chicken

Chicken in a Run: Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming
Chicken in a Run: Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming

One of the top inquiries we get is from farmers looking for kienyeji chicken market. From our experience, marketing and selling your kienyeji chicken is the easiest part of the farming venture. There is a high demand for kienyeji chicken meat and even kienyeji eggs and if you know where to look, you will have no problem selling your chickens for some good money. Here are some of the top places where you can find Kienyeji chicken market:-

Sell in the local markets

Your local market is the perfect place to sell your kienyeji chickens. This especially works in the rural areas where there are specific market days. All you have to do is choose the fattest and healthiest of your chickens, take them to the market and you will find very willing buyers.

Hotels and Restaurants

Next up are the local hotels and restaurants in your locality. Print small cards with details of your kienyeji and your phone numbers and distribute them in the local hotels and restaurants. They might have their supply source but if they have your contact details, they will call you when they need some fresh supplies.

Catering companies

Catering companies, especially those catering for weddings , funerals and other events can be a good source for recommendation when you are looking for the markets. The clients usually don’t know where to buy a large number of chickens affordably and many will rely on the catering companies to provide them with the recommendations.

Facebook groups

Join the the neighborhood Facebook groups and sell your kienyeji chicken to the group members. There are numerous Facebook groups in Kenya that serve various neighborhoods and many residents will rely on these to source for products. Post adverts of your Kienyeji at least once a week with pictures of your healthy chickens.


OLX is another online marketplace where you can easily find clients. Post a short description of your kienyeji chickens and include pictures and your phone number. Some buyers will order directly from OLX.

Word of mouth

Some of your first buyers will be your friends and acquaintances. Share information on your farming venture with your close friends and colleagues and they will be among the first to buy from you.

Post on our website

Our website gets a lot of views from potential buyers of Kienyeji chicken so if you have some that you wish to sell, send us details on

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