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  • Challenges You Must Overcome To Succeed in Kienyeji Poultry Rearing

    Kienyeji chickens are easier to rear than the GMO types whether it is on a free-range or caged rearing. They are not exposed to diseases and sicknesses like the GMO types. However, you will certainly face an uphill task trying to make them produce as much meat and eggs. Here are other challenges to overcome in kienyeji poultry rearing.  Space requirements amidst diminishing land acreage – If you are rearing your chicken in a free-range or caged style and happen to have thousands of them, space may certainly be an issue in urban areas. Bear in mind one bird needs 4 […] More

  • Most Suitable Kienyeji Chicken Breed For Your Rearing Conditions

    Which Kienyeji Chicken Breed Is Most Suitable For You Rearing Conditions?  Kienyeji chickens are preferred for their better tasting meat compared to the GMO chickens. Their meat and eggs are also healthier than GMO’s. While there are small variations among Kienyeji chicken breeds when it comes to meat and egg quality, the production quantity and frequency vary from one breed to another. Some breeds also reach maturity faster than others. Some adapt to harsh climates better than others. Therefore it helps to know which breed is more beneficial to you although different breeds have different advantages. Here are facts about […] More

  • The Dos and Don’ts When it Comes to Chick Brooding

    The toughest phase in raising your kienyeji chickens is during the chick brooding. This is the period when they are most delicate and where mistakes can be quite costly. Many farmers prefer to start raising the chicks on their own right from the first day when the chicks are one day old. It is generally cheaper to acquire chicks at this stage so you can build a fairly large flock within a very short period of time. However, the chick brooding stage requires special as well as intensive care in order to boost the survivability of the chicks. The problem […] More

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    High Performing Chicken Breeds in Kenya with Photos

    One of the biggest challenges that many farmers in Kenya planning to venture in kienyeji chicken farming or poultry farming in general face is figuring out what chicken breeds to rear. Some farmers buy new chicken breeds without first learning about their qualities and this can result in losses and disappointments. Before picking any chicken breed, you need to learn about its many qualities. Learn the basic information about the bird. The most important information that you need to learn about any breed that you choose include the following:- Age of Maturity Peak Production Age at peak production Body weight […] More

  • Facts About the Rainbow Rooster: The Millionaire’s Bird

    This month, we are profiling the poultry breeds which are high yielding and easy and cheap to rear and could, therefore, make you a poultry farming millionaire in a very short time. In the first of the series, we profiled the Kuroiler breeds of chickens. In this post, we will profile the Rainbow Rooster birds. The Rainbow Rooster is a multicolored bird that is highly disease resistant, fast growing and a dual purpose chicken which can also be grown in “kienyeji-like” circumstances. It is a good breed to choose if you want to carry out low cost free range or […] More

  • The Advantages of Rearing Kuroiler Chicken in Kenya

    The Kuroiler chicken were first introduced into East Africa through Uganda and then from Uganda into Kenya. It is an Indian breed that is well known for its good quality meat and the large number of eggs that it produces every year in Kienyeji conditions. These birds are scavengers, just like the ordinary kienyeji birds but the difference is that they eat almost all the time. The farmer does need to invest in costly commercial feeding for the Kuroiler chicken as they can easily fend for themselves by scavenging. Thanks to their appetite, they put on weight very fast. It […] More

  • Facts About Kuroiler Chickens: The Millionaire Poultry Breed

    In the next few weeks, we will be bringing series about the poultry breeds that will make you a millionaire in a matter of months. The Kuroiler chickens will be amongst them thanks to the admirable qualities including fast maturity, a higher number of eggs compared to kienyeji birds, longer laying period and fast maturity rate of only 10 weeks. By the age of maturity, your Kuroiler chickens will weigh as much as 3.5Kg with very minimal input on your side. By incorporating a slight improved semi-free range technique and a little bit of commercial feeding, you will be able […] More

  • Yellow Maize is Very Good for Your Chicken

    Kenyans mostly know the yellow maize as the relief food that was distributed across the country during times of famine but yellow maize has other important uses as poultry feed. While white maize is our most common staple used for our favorite ugali, yellow maize makes a very good staple for your poultry. In most of the leading poultry producing countries such as US and South Africa, it constitutes up to 60% of the feed rations given to the chicken. The yellow poultry corn when fed to the chicken will lead to the production of eggs with very yellow yolk […] More

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    List of Poultry Feeds Manufacturers in Kenya

    Feeding is still the biggest cost in poultry farming. It accounts for up to 65% of the production cost. While there are ways to cut down on costs by for example, milling your own feeds with the right ingredients, majority of farmers will be buying their feeds from the established poultry feed millers in Kenya. When investing in poultry feeds, do not cut corners and buy from companies with a dodgy reputation. How to Make Kienyeji Chicken Feeds The best feed millers in Kenya employee ethical poultry feed formulation to give your chickens the right feeds with the right mix […] More

  • The Africa International Poultry EXPO 2015 in Nairobi

    The Africa International Poultry EXPO is a three day event that will be held from 24thNovember to the 26th November of 2015 at the KICC.  The Poultry themed expo will showcase a variety of poultry products and equipment. Come and  sample some of the products on display while learning from the various exhibitors that will be present. Some of the poultry industries or companies that will exhibit their products at the Africa International Poultry EXPO will include the following:- Poultry Equipment Manufacturers Poultry Feed Manufacturers Exporters of Poultry Products Veterinary products and services suppliers Exporters of Animal Biotechnology Poultry Biosecurity specialists/experts […] More

  • The Indbro Brown Layers: They Grow Faster and Lay More Eggs in Kienyeji Conditions

    One of the recent trends of the poultry farming in Kenya has been the introduction of the improved indigenous chicken breeds from India into the Kenyan market. You have already heard of the Kuroiler breeds and the Rainbow Rooster. Today we introduce you to another breed that is fast catching fire in the Kenyan market amongst well-informed poultry farmers and this is the Indbro Brown Layers. The IndBro is a very hardy and reliable brown layer and it is capable of producing up to 300 eggs in its laying circle under the most difficult rural rearing conditions and with low […] More

  • The Indbro Brown Layers: They Grow Faster and Lay More Eggs in Kienyeji Conditions

    One of the recent trends of the poultry farming in Kenya has been the introduction of the improved indigenous chicken breeds from India into the Kenyan market. You have already heard of the Kuroiler breeds and the Rainbow Rooster. Today we introduce you to another breed that is fast catching fire in the Kenyan market amongst well-informed poultry farmers and this is the Indbro Brown Layers. The IndBro is a very hardy and reliable brown layer and it is capable of producing up to 300 eggs in its laying circle under the most difficult rural rearing conditions and with low […] More

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