Kienyeji Farming
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How your Kienyeji Chicken and Eggs can Stand out in the market and beat the competition
Everybody seems to be producing chicken and chicken products and all hope that there chicken will hit the market and be accepted so they earn income from their efforts. We live in an age where people seriously consider what they eat, where they buy it and how what they eat is produced and even packaged among many other considerations. The chicken and egg buyers ask questions, do their own research online and through word of mouth and even search for product reviews. Doing everything you can to beat the crowd and make your chicken and eggs stand out is your […] More
Why your Kienyeji Chicken Sometimes eat each other (Cannibalism) or Engage in Feather Pecking
Just as in any other system where social hierarchy is respected in the animal kingdom and among humans, chicken also have their pecking order and it is not uncommon to find chicken who consider themselves belonging to some higher social standing either due to seniority from age or body size engage in pecking. This is the pulling of feathers of another smaller or weaker bird either for fun or as a form of discipline, just as humans may scratch the heads of their children when angry or just playfully. However, this behavior among chicken should be closely watched because when […] More
Rearing your Own Termites and Harvesting them to Feed Your Chicken
Growing termites or providing conditions so you can collect them is an old way of feeding chicken in traditional African society but which we must revive to provide our chicken with a very rich source of protein like no other. Any farmer who can ensure a continuous supply of termites or ants to his flock ends up with very healthy and happy chicken. You might have seen termites under rotting trees long abandoned, among pieces of decaying clothes, traditional pots or any bio-degradable matter. There are a number of steps a farmer can follow to raise thousands of termites that […] More
Kienyeji Chicken Farming Best Practices
Kienyeji chicken also known as indigenous chicken are the free range chicken that are mostly kept in the rural and peri-urban areas. They are a popular delicacy in Kenya and dot almost every village home. Their eggs are also a delicacy due to their yellow York. Their meat and eggs stand out in the market and is popular with hotels and eateries. However there are a few considerations a prudent farmers should take into account to achieve the desired outcomes in profitable kienyeji chicken farming. Chicken Housing This is the first decision a farmer will have to make. What type […] More
Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming
Improved Kienyeji chicken farming is currently a popular niche with many Kenyan farmers wishing to venture into poultry farming. Launched less than a decade ago, the KARI improved kienyeji chickens have largely replaced the indigenous kienyeji chicken that were once a common site across rural Kenya. Factors such as fast maturity, good egg yield and quality meat makes them a profitable choice for farmers wishing to venture into poultry farming. They are also relatively cost-effective. You don’t need an intensive system to raise your improved kienyeji chicken. The feeding requirements are relatively lower than those of factory-reared chicken. Additionally, there […] More
Buy 3 Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manuals for the Price of One
Get your hands on our three Kienyeji chicken farming manuals for the price one. Our Kienyeji chicken farming manuals have helped thousands of Kenyan farmers improve their techniques and getter better yields and profits from their Kienyeji chicken farming ventures. We have three Kienyeji chicken farming manuals that we sell to Kenyan and East African farmers in general. These include the following:- The Comprehensive Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manual Kienyeji Feed Formulation Manual Kienyeji Housing Manual The Comprehensive Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manual is written by one of the top Kienyeji chicken farming experts in Kenya and covers all the topics […] More
Critical Factors When Planning to Venture into Kienyeji Chicken Farming
Due to their ease of management, good survivability, low production cost and good market pricing, a growing number of Kenyans are now venturing into commercial Kienyeji chicken farming. Here is a look at some of the critical factors to keep in mind when venturing into Kienyeji chicken farming in Kenya:- Decide the kind of poultry operation that you want to venture in Focus or differentiation is a key success factor in business. When you are planning to venture into a poultry farming operation, you ought to have a clear idea on the kind of poultry farming operation that you are […] More
Important Measures to Take to Prevent the Entry Diseases into Your Kienyeji Poultry Farm
Poultry diseases can decimate your kienyeji chicken stock and wipe out your entire investment. Many Kenyans scrap the last of their savings to set up poultry farming operations so the impact of poultry diseases can be a big liability to your investments. Poultry diseases can be prevented earlier on before they enter your farm by incorporating the right biosecurity measures that prevent entry of diseases into your kienyeji chicken farm. Here is an overview of some of the key measures you can take in order to stop diseases from decimating your poultry flock:- Visitors to the poultry farm generally […] More
Where Do You Go Wrong as a Kienyeji Chicken Farmer?
I have just chanced upon this post on the African Farmers Club Facebook Group where a farmer from Bomet is claiming that he sees zero profits in poultry farming. As a poultry farmer myself, I know that poultry farming is a low margin business and you can only make significant revenues and profits if you do the economies of scale, that is, raise thousands of chickens and do your utmost to maximize on the productivity of your chicken, be they commercial layers, commercial broilers, Rainbow Roosters, Kuroilers or the KARI Improved Kienyeji Chicken. It is true that there are many […] More
Beat the Competition through Efficient Poultry Farming Techniques
Efficiency is very key to success in poultry farming in Kenya With the right investments and management techniques, chickens can be pushed to dizzying levels of production which ensure maximum profitability for the farmer. As long as the requirements of the birds are met adequately, it is possible to fully maximize on the potential of your chicken breeds whether they are KARI Improved Kienyeji chicken, Rainbow Rooster, Kuroiler, Fast White layers, Kenbro or the Indbro breeds amongst others in Kenya. Poultry farming is very capital intensive if you are going to do it on a very commercial scale. There is […] More
The Complete Sets of Manuals for Kienyeji Chicken Farming
We now offer you the complete Information pack for anyone who wants to engage in Kienyeji Chicken farming. Out three Kienyeji Manuals contain all the information on rearing Kienyeji Chicken ranging from breed selection to what to feed, how to formulate Kienyeji Feeds, How to build Kienyeji house, disease management, Kienyeji marketing and many more tips. The three main manuals that we currently offer include the following: The Comprehensive Improved Kienyeji Chicken Farming Manual: This is sold for only Ksh.500 and contains virtually everything you need to farm Kienyeji. To order or learn more information about this manual, click here:- […] More
Professional Training Services on Kienyeji Chicken Farming
Looking for professional training services on Kienyeji chicken farming and management in any corner of Kenya? We do capacity building in poultry and commercialization of poultry production to self-help groups, CBOs, NGOs and other organizations working with smallholder farmers as beneficiaries in economic empowerment. The training encompasses the following 3 phases” Poultry Production and Commercialization of chicken production Phase 1 of Training on Kienyeji Chicken Farming 1. Role of Indigenous Chicken in Household Economy (Gender roles, food security, income generation) 2. Production systems and profitability (Organized chicken production) 3. Disease control and bio-security 4. Chick Management (DoC-8 weeks) 5. Flock Management […] More