KARI improved kienyeji chicken
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Can Sweet Potatoes Be Used as Poultry Feeds?
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How to Hang Cabbages for Your Kienyeji Chickens
Cabbages for Chickens Cabbages are a great way to supplement the diet of your Kienyeji chicken. They are a great source of vitamins and also a good way to supplement the diet so they do not rely too much on commercial feeding. However, it is advisable not to over-supplement the feeding. Do not provide too many cabbages. For a flock of 200, you can hang 4 cabbages every day. Hanging the cabbages also increases the level of activity and keeps them busy. They will be pecking and running around the structure with pieces of cabbages which is good for their […] More
How to Carry Out Chick Placement and Brooding and Ensure 90% Survival Rate
Chick brooding is one of the most important phases during poultry rearing. If done wrongly, you could lose as much as 50% of your chicks or potentially wipe off your entire investments in the day old chicks. If it is done correctly, you could lose 5% or less and preserve your entire investment. Chick brooding is often compared to parenting. Eventually, every farmer has to develop a technique that will work for them in the first 8 weeks when the chicks are most vulnerable to various threats. Even if they survive the first 8 weeks, the handling of the chicks […] More
The supreme objective of egg production is to produce those fertile eggs that are strong, healthy and of high quality. The required quantities of eggs, optimal hatchability and chick quality may not be achieved in cases where there are problems in the breeders. Diseases may affect overall performance but certain diseases directly affect egg production. These include NewCastle, Mareks, Infectious bronchitis, Mycoplasma gallisepticum among others. Strict monitoring of these diseases must be adhered to if a farmer is to achieve optimal and quality production and adequate preventive and control measures put in place which range from vaccines, antibiotics and total […] More
Kienyeji Chicken Marketing and Advertising
Advertise or promote your company with us. FaceBook Page This entails posts on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Kienyejichickenfarming/ in the marketing your incubators and drumming its quality and advantages to our audiences. We have a fast growing Facebook Page of Kenyan chicken farmers and farming enthusiasts who are ready to spend/invest and open to new ideas and products. FB Page – Around 30K likes Facebook Post * Your Advertisement Text with or without website link – $9.99 p/mo * Your Advertisement Text with Image and your website link – $14.99 p/mo Website Only Package – https://kienyeji.org In this package, we will […] More
Kienyeji Chicken Market in Nairobi
Get Kienyeji Chicken Market in Nairobi If you run a large a poultry concern with a flock of at least 400 chickens, then you can use our kienyeji chicken marketing and advertising packages to sell your product quickly and acquire new customers. Businesses that have marketed and advertised with us have always received an instant boost in inquiries from customers as well as sales. We offer our customers several advertising packages that they can take advantage of to sell their kienyeji products to customers in Nairobi:- Social Media Package: Costs only Ksh.7500 per month. We will share your kienyeji products with […] More
Indigenous chicken, what is referred to in Kenya as Kienyeji chicken is the preferred chicken of many households and eateries in Kenya. Despite making up 80% of the population of chicken in Kenya, low productivity means that indigenous chicken make up only 60% of all chicken consumed in Kenya. Urban retailers have significant unmet demand for indigenous chickens (e.g. local supermarkets each want 500 chickens per week per outlet) but cannot find a consistent supply to meet this demand. Indigenous chicken is truly local with 95% of the chicken consumed within 10 – 15km radius of the producer, There is a large and under-served market […] More
The Kuroiler is a very unique variety of improved indigenous chicken developed by Indian entrepreneur Vinod Kapur that has brought a significant revolution in chicken farming in many parts of Africa particularly Kenya. The Kuroiler is best suited to be reared in many parts of Kenya and is generally accepted in the Kenyan market due to is very outstanding attributes. It is a good scavenger and can be raised well with supplemented feeding. It can grow very well under minimal management and also minimal investment in commercial feeds. They can both be raised in the backyard or raised under supplemental […] More
Planning for your business from the outset is a key ingredient of success and the same applies to the chicken farming business. A farmer investing his or her hard earned money in the farming business needs to draw a business plan to make them aware of their business and have a basis of tracking business performance and thus afford them the opportunity of responding adequately in the course of running it. You do not need to act out of your guts all the time without having a definite plan of action on inputs, costs, competition, marketing and risks involved in […] More
East Africa Poultry Equipment Marketplace: Get B2B Leads and Find Distributors for Equipment
The East African market for poultry products continues to expand rapidly. This is because chicken products offer an affordable and readily available source for proteins and as the per capita consumption increases in the region, particularly in markets such as Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, farmers are under pressure to not only produce more but also produce very high quality poultry products to serve the local market. Increasingly, many poultry farmers in the country are going from small to medium scale in terms of their production capacity. The stocking densities are increasing even though spaces are not necessarily expanding. There is […] More
What are the Advantages of Using Chicken Cages in Kenya?
One of the leading inquiries that we get is for Kenyan and regional farmers looking for poultry cages. It is one of the most popular chicken farming trends in the region and why is that so? The main reason is the advantage that it offers farmers. Here are some good reasons on why you should invest in poultry cages:- Save on space Poultry cages are ideal for farmers who do not have a lot of spaces, especially those in the urban areas but also those in rural areas in Kenya. It allows farmers to have higher stocking densities for their […] More
Starting and gradually building up your improved indigenous poultry breeds (improved kienyeji) flock can be frustrating farmers, they think it takes a long time and requires a lot of resources, yet it only requires knowledge on what one needs to do and a little commitment. You can start your successful poultry business from as low as 10 hens and build it to a mega commercial enterprise with proper planning and focus. Today, I discuss with you how to build your poultry flock without much hassle. Let us together do the simple breeding arithmetic and choose your level depending on your […] More
The Kenyan Poultry Equipment Handbook: An Insight Into the Poultry Equipment Market in Kenya
With tens of thousands of commercial scale poultry farmers and millions of small scale and subsistence poultry farmers, Kenya has the most robust poultry industry in Eastern and Central Africa. The poultry industry in the country generates billions of dollars in GDP every year and is one of the most profitable agricultural sectors in the industry. Increasingly, Kenyan farmers are moving towards poultry farming automation in order to boost their efficiency and profitability. Flock sizes in many small scale Kenyan farms are also rising which necessitates the need to automate some functions in order to cut down on labour and […] More